Greetings, once again.
It's been about 2 months since our last update, although for once, this was largely beyond my control. A short stint in the hospital, plus some home recovery time, sapped my will to do much of anything. Toss that in with the catch-up game at work, and it makes for a pretty quiet blog.
Hopefully, that's all behind us though, and we're now only four days away from Mrs. J's baby shower.
Normally, being a man, you don't care much about baby showers (or at least, I haven't in the past). And truthfully, leading up to ours, I wasn't all that interested. However, over the past two weeks, as it's gotten closer, I find myself being more and more interested in it. While I don't have any particular interest in participating in the party itself, I've been more active in the facilitation. Chasing people down for RSVP's (or not), making certain that all of the materials have been procured, and that everything is on schedule.
Although, in this two or so weeks, I've discovered an interesting dynamic, that perhaps we are unique in experiencing - people don't like to commit to an event. Mrs. J ordered and received her shower invitations by February 20th, mailing them out the following day (all local mail), requesting RSVP's from all invited parties by March 12th. Pretty reasonable request, right? Apparently not. It wasn't until two days later that our first RSVP was received, and until yesterday that we finally received what I can only hope is the final headcount. Mind you, this was after I personally chased down numerous people who were invited, and asked them if they were coming or not. Most people were simply the victims of intent - planning to RSVP, but simply hadn't. A few legitimately couldn't make it, but forgot to reply, and a few people simply blew it off.
Perhaps I'm simply being myself - the eternal pessimist, in the assumption that if I didn't chase it down, nobody was going to RSVP. Perhaps those peoples' intentions were there, and that they had truthfully planned on it, who knows?
What I find curious, though, is whether people understand how much that yes or no can impact the course of an event. An impact that Mrs. J is now victim to, as she had to have her cake order in by a specific date. She had her order in on that date, but the number based off of the people who had RSVP'd on time. So now, we find ourselves in a situation where there is likely to be an insufficient cake supply to feed all attending persons, simply because people couldn't be prompt in their response. And that's just too damn bad.
Fortunately, being in charge of the actual food for the event, I anticipated this happening, and waited a bit longer than necessary to purchase all of it.
People are a curious thing, as they seldom consider the impact their actions have on the flow of things. Something that people wouldn't normally see as a big deal (example: RSVP on time), can cause the biggest of hiccups.
On a more positive note, all is; at least thus far, well on the baby front. We're now 31 weeks and counting - just weeks until our little man is here in our arms, and we couldn't be more thrilled. While there was some prior concerns with placental placement, and other things the general public would find gross, those have since cleared up, and it looks like Mrs. J is well on her way to a natural delivery.
Our latest appointment went very well, with the doctor reassuring my concerns around baby snatching, and baby mix-ups. Our local hospital takes these things very seriously - so seriously, that the maternity ward is locked down from anyone who does not have the current day's pass card, and utilization of electronic monitors attached to Mom, Dad, and Baby.
I'm hoping for an update next week, following the party, but we'll see. You all know how it's gone in the past when I've tried placing a timeline on updates.
So, until next time, I hope all is well in your lives.
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